
Thursday, June 12, 2014


Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. And it has me thinking. I could literally die tomorrow. It is the unluckiest day ever. That horrible Friday the 13th. I am very superstitious.

So I thought it would be nice to write myself a letter, for my future self to read someday.  So here it is.

Dear Future Liz:

Don't die on Friday the 13th. Just stay home that day.  

In addition, I hope that this website (and the countless others you will have undoubtedly created by the time you read this) have given purpose to your life.  I hope they fan the flames of your existence and you are able to fill a creative void by sharing art and design with those around you. I hope you never go a day without creating, without art in some form or another, and without meaning.

Someday when you are looking back at this crossroad, the intersection where your life's purpose and direction met fear and uncertainty, I hope you will relish in the memories of where you started. Relive the excitement of the unknowing. Relive the passion you have for visual things in this world. I hope you relive your love for art.

As with all things new, of course this is exciting. You have held your first several paint social painting classes, and they were so much fun. You have people that are interested in your paintings and want to purchase custom artwork. You have talent, and you need to accept that you can be a part of the art world. With all things new and exciting, the newness and excitement is of course doomed to wear off at some point. I pray that that doesn't happen to you. I pray that you keep a smoldering fire where your passion lies and continue to be creative and find sources of inspiration. I hope the universe gives you everything that you could ask for, and that you never get bored.

If you should ever feel your purpose wavering, look back to howy you felt on this day. This day is the day that great things are happening.