
Monday, July 20, 2015


1. I'm insanely shy unitl I really get to know someone and feel comfortable around them (then I act like an idiot once we are cool). But it often comes across as "stuck up," I've been told.
2. I have a one year old son.
3. I call a lot of people my friend.
4. I have a younger sister: Jessica.
5. I used to be OBSESSED with Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys. I was pretty certain I was going to marry him.
6. That obviously didn't happen, thank the Lord. But I am married to THE most amazing husband/father: Chris.
7. I try to donate blood every chance I get. FUN FACT! Did you know that donating blood burns a ton of calories, because your body has to make a lot more blood (about 500mls) to replace what you give. Which is about as much blood that's lost in a vaginal delivery by the way. But the caloric burn is not why I do it, it's just an amazing benefit of saving three lives:)
8. I can't stand judgmental people.
9. I'm currently in a music rut, and I can't find anything to keep me content. My Pandora is spazzing me out right now.
10. I have a strong urge to give up everything and go and live somewhere tropical/secluded, surrounded by nature, sunshine, and the beach. I wish I wasn't too scared to do it. I wish my husband wasn't too scared to do it.
11. I was a molecular biology master's student once and at the time I wanted to pursue a doctoral degree and go to medical school (to become an MD Ph.D.), so I registered for the MCAT. I sat in the parking lot of the testing facility the morning of the exam pondering life, and decided right there that I didn't want to spend the next 10 years of my life in misery. So I left. A few months later I left my graduate program, my paid lab assistantship, and moved to St. Louis where I later obtained my BSN. So now I have two degrees.
12. I often look overdressed, rather than underdressed. But it is really because I am a poor judge of the formality of the occasion. And I went through that weird "pajama wearing phase" in high school, and regret every second of it. Maybe subconsciously I am compensating for my poor fashion choices as a teenager.
13. I love creating beautiful things with my hands. I can sew, saw, hammer, nail, paint, photograph, photoshop, illustrate, design, build websites, cook, hot glue anything like a banshee. I just can't grow plants. See #14.
14. Just once, I want to grow a successful garden.
15. I am obsessed with coffee, wine, and ice cream.
16. I can't commit to exercising. I hate running. I go through yoga and clean eating phases, but otherwise I am a potato.
17. I was at the DMV with my dad to get my driver's license the day of the 9/11 attacks.
18. As a kid, I was an incredibly picky eater. I would only eat chicken strips and spaghetti noodles without sauce. Now I will try anything once, and most of the time I end up loving it.
19. I can honestly say I have learned more about myself in the last year than I have my entire life.
20. I like to think I am an optimist.
21. I think that people who put you down for liking what you like, or being who you are -- these are the worst kind of people.
22. I am a spiritual person and I believe in God. However, I am not a fan of organized religion and church segregation/judgment on humanity. I believe God is the only one that can judge someone for their decisions, and it is not fair for someone to say what is wrong or right and persecute another human being for their wrongdoings (just because they attend church).
23. I make New Year's resolutions every year. I sometimes keep them.
24. I do not have any tattoos. I have several piercings, however :)
25. I HAVE AN INSANE DESIRE to create something really crazy. I've only talked to handful of people about it, at the risk of being committed to a mental health facility. But if I ever get the balls to really do it, I hope you will hear about it, and I hope it is amazing.

If you actually read all of these, I seriously love you to pieces.

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