
Thursday, February 19, 2015


Just in case you REALLY wanted to know a few strange facts about me:

1. I am a serial creative arts entrepreneur
2. I can hula hoop and pour a pitcher of beer at the same time
3. I suck at selfies
4. I peed my pants in kindergarten and cried when everyone made fun of me
5. I don't know how to mow the lawn
6. I don't like walking ANYWHERE alone due to an unrealistic fear of wild animal attacks
7. I love getting in a hot car (like when it's been sitting in the African sun for hours hot)
8. I like to drink pickle juice
9. I HAVE to have a full glass of water by my bed everynight. Like sometimes there will be 5 glasses on my nightstand if I forget to take them back to the kitchen and it drives my husband nuts.
10. I have never craved ice cream more than I did during the 6 months I was postpartum. I was never a fan of ice cream, in fact, until I got pregnant. And then when I had this baby, my cravings were insane. I blame breastfeeding for sure. I was eating Andy's Custard 3 times a week, every week. I'm not even exaggerating a little bit here.  3 TIMES A WEEK. EVERY WEEK FOR 6 MONTHS. I don't know how I don't weigh 300 lbs.

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